IHS price calculator
This calculator can be used to estimate the future price of Infinity Hash Shares.
Share price estimate
Results are a price estimate and may differ a lot, based on changing outside conditions like mining difficulty, downtime and others. Any values, estimates, or figures are only indicative and are not intended to be relied upon for legal, financial, or commercial decisions.
Where to get the data used in the calculator
- Bitcoin price (USD): Check sites like coingecko.com or coinmarketcap.com
- Last 24h reward (BTC): Take the last “Total Earnings” entry from the profit details page of the public Infinity Hash mining pool at ViaBTC
- Energy cost 24h (USD): Head to our public electricity wallet on tronscan and switch to the “Transfers” tab. Take the amount of the last incoming, daily USDT transaction
- Total share number: Take it from the Infinity Hash dashboard, the blog or one of the landing pages
Direct share price calculation
Direct price calculation refers to the calculation path that does not use yesterday’s price for smoothing or any other averaging technique. This is the method used in the share price calculator.
1.) Calculate the direct share price in USD:
2.) Ensure the selected price is not below the minimum sell price in USD. The share price in USD is:
3.) The share price in BTC is:
Here is an explanation of the static variables and where to get the data used in the calculation:
- rewards_24h: Go to our public reinvest wallet on tronscan and switch to the “Transfers” tab. Take the amount of the last incoming, daily USDT transaction. Since reinvest and profits are the same (both 50% of everything left after electricity costs), the reward amount is the same as the last incoming USDT transaction.
- 1095: This is simply 3 times 365 days. 3 years is our recommended investment horizon for the project.
- total_share_nr: The total number of Infinity Hash shares in circulation. You can find this number on the website in our weekly updates and in the dashboard.
- bitcoin_price: Check sites like coingecko.com or coinmarketcap.com (use the USD price).
- min_sell_price: The minimum selling price for new Infinity Hash Shares is $2.00 (USD).
Full share price calculation
The full share price calculation takes into account smoothing using yesterday’s price to prevent the share price from dropping too quickly. This is the same full calculation used for the actual selling price of new Infinity Hash Shares in the dashboard. It only differs from the direct share price calculation above if the price falls relative to yesterday’s share price.
1.) Calculate the direct share price in USD:
2.) Calculate the direct share price in BTC:
3.) Calculate the smoothed share price in BTC:
4.) Choose the direct or the smoothed price, based on whether yesterday’s or the direct price is higher:
5.) Ensure the selected price is not below the minimum sell price in BTC. The share price in BTC is:
6.) The share price in USD is:
Explanation of additional variables needed for the full share price calculation:
- price_yesterday: Yesterday’s share price (in Bitcoin!). You can currently view it in the share price chart on the main dashboard page.
- 29 and 30: We wanted to create a 30-day MA-like effect. For temporary downtime and other minor problems, the share price shouldn’t move too much. If the project takes too long to recover from operational challenges, the share price should reflect that. The same goes for a long-term falling Bitcoin prices.
Share price calculation FAQ
Why is there a minimum selling price?
We have a minimum selling price for new Infinity Hash Shares because, at some point, ASICs (Bitcoin mining machines) won’t get any cheaper due to production costs (even if the Bitcoin price were to go down a lot). We update the minimum selling price for new shares via community votes regularly to protect existing shareholders from a sudden crash in the share price, which would allow new investors to dilute the actual hash rate per share due to extremely low share prices and thus “steal” the hash rate from existing investors.
Is the P2P marketplace affected by the minimum selling price?
Not really. On the P2P marketplace, community members can buy and sell shares via limit orders. The seller sets the price for selling his shares, which is not affected by the current price for new Infinity Hash shares. The only thing we added is a user protect, which hides offers on the P2P marketplace if their price is higher than the current official price for new shares. This way, we protect unsuspecting users from paying an unnecessary premium.
Why the artificial smoothing of falling share prices?
On the one hand, we added the smoothing described in 3.) and 4.) of the full share price calculation path to the price model to ensure that 1 or 2 days of downtime due to power outages or other temporary problems wouldn’t completely crash the share price. On the other hand, we wanted to mimic the cost of actual new mining machines, which follows Bitcoin’s price with a few minutes delay when Bitcoin is going up but takes a week or more to come back down after Bitcoin itself has gone down. This ensures fair prices for new and existing shareholders while keeping the calculation transparent and predictable.