This is our 77th post in the Infinity Hash Weekly Update series for Jan 20 2025.

This week, we added a few new miners and closed community vote #11 regarding our firmware. Mining profits for Infinity Hash went up a bit, with the price for IHS going up together with Bitcoin.

يمكنك دائمًا الحصول على نظرة شاملة للرسوم البيانية والأرقام السابقة على صفحة التحديثات الأسبوعية.

تحديثات المشروع

إنفينيتي هاش بالأرقام

These are the numbers for week 3, 2025, from 2025-01-13 to 2025-01-19.

Infinity Hash’s metrics for the week ending Jan 19 2025 – compared to the week before

تحديثات اجهزة التعدين والمزارع

This week, we added 5 new miners, increasing the community pool hash rate by 800 TH.

Modelمعدل الأداء في التعدينSourceWorker ID
Whatsminer M50S++160 THReinvestIH919
Whatsminer M50S++160 THReinvestIH920
Whatsminer M50S++160 THReinvestIH921
Whatsminer M50S++160 THReinvestIH922
Whatsminer M50S++160 THReinvestIH923
New Miners added to Infinity Hash from 2025-01-13 to 2025-01-19.


We’re all back from our vacation and ready to get going again. Last week a few fans and power suppplies had to be replaced by a few miners.

Miner & Container

New Whatsminers and Antminers were also connected. The new mining container was diligently built and the PDUs installed and connected as well as shutters attached. Stairs and a door were also added to the container.

Minor connectivity problems

On January 18th, we experience miner connectivity problems at the farm. The whole subnet of the provider broke down, which affected both, our main and our backup internet line. Our third line (satellite uplink) was able to get some networking through, which allowed us to keep at least 30% uptime during the incident.


Community vote #11 is closed

Our eleventh community vote is closed, with the community voting in favor of publishing our ASIC firmware. Here are the results:

  • Yes: Provide our firmware for free download: 81.70%
  • No: Don’t provide our firmware for free download: 18.30%

We’ll make public posts and announcements as soon as the newest version is available for download on our website.

الروابط و أوتلوك

مقالات إنفينيتي هاش ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي

And as always, we have a mining industry recap.

أوضاع الأحوال الجوية

The current weather conditions at the mining farm are: Passing clouds. Cold. Current temperatures at -4.44°C / 24°F provide excellent cooling conditions, with the weather forecast showing a downward trend in temperatures. This should result in increased profits.


يمكنك دائماً التحقق من روابط المجمع والمحفظة للحصول على نظرة كاملة وشفافة عن مجمعنا، جميع اجهزة التعدين في المجمع، محفظة إعادة الاستثمار العامة، وتكاليف الكهرباء الخاصة بنا في الصفحة أدناه

كما هو الحال دائماً، يشرفنا أن نقدم لكم أحدث المعلومات حول مشروع أنفينيتي هاش. نتمنى لمجتمعنا أسبوعاً سعيداً وتعديناً ممتعاً معاً

موضوعات ذات صلة